Half-a-century-old African Savanna Elephant, captured by photographer Clint Ralph

Photo by Clint Ralph

Half-a-century-old African Savanna Elephant that is protected by Maasai warriors is recently captured by professional photographer, Clint Ralph.

The enormous elephant goes by the name Craig. Born in 1972, Craig is a 50 years old African Savanna Elephant, also known as an African Bush Elephant. Savanna elephants can live up to 70 years old, longer than any mammal, except humans.

With tusks weighing more than 100lb each, he is one of the remaining 20 “super tuskers” alive today.

Photo by Clint Ralph

Clint captured these amazing shots of Craig when he saw the elephant roaming in his native Amboseli National Park, Kenya, accompanied by Maasai Warriors who kept close supervision on him to deter poachers from his tusks. Clint remarked that the Warriors “guard Craig from a distance 24 hours a day” to prevent him from being hunted.

In fact, Richard Turere, one of the Maasai Warriors, visited The Elephant Foundation in Hong Kong in 2019. He attended schools and gave talks on his life as a warrior, and shared what he does everyday to protect these endangered animals in the African Wilderness. To learn more, please click here.

Photo by Clint Ralph

Craig was photographed dusting himself off to cool down. Unlike birds or reptiles, elephants do not have feathers or scales acting as a barrier between its skin and the sun. Therefore as a sunscreen, they throw sand and mud onto their bodies to shield their skin from the sun.

Photo by Clint Ralph

Clint revealed that he specifically travelled to Kenya to photography Craig in his twilight years.

'My friends and I spent some time with him, watching his movements. At a point we figured his path out and positioned the vehicle some way in front of him, hoping he would walk past us. He did,’ said Clint.

“It was emotional to be so close to such a legend in our time. I feel very blessed and privileged to have met Craig and to spend such quality time with him.”

To protect beautiful creatures like Craig, you can become a member of the Friends of The Elephant Foundation, or to donate for the Ranger Insurance Program. Both of the programs mentioned help us protect elephants from being innocently killed for their tusks.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any inquiries. We are happy to answer all your questions and curiosities. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Source :https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10960301/Incredible-pictures-heavily-protected-50-year-old-elephant-giant-tusks-weighing-100lb.html