Education SPonsorSHIP
Every child deserves the chance to have a good education.
The Elephant Foundation (TEF) understands the value and influence of education. It's not just about learning to read, write, and do math in school. Formal education, on the other hand, is about learning the knowledge and skills necessary to improve oneself and the society in which one lives.
TEF has previously sponsored several students from secondary school age through to university. We have also provided desks for a local school as well as building a girl’s dormitory for 100 students.
The Elephant Foundation helps raise funds for our partner Big Life Foundation.
We currently sponsor 15 students who require education sponsorships. The education sponsorship program is designed to have a great impact in terms of benefits for local (African) communities. Education sponsorships will support local schools to improve the quality of education by building students’ dormitories, and teachers’ houses, employing teachers, and the installation of school Wifi.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
With our contribution to education programs in Africa, students’ from resource-challenged families are able to attend school. For most of these students, their best shot at life would have been to look after a herd of goats. Through sponsorship, it becomes possible for a whole world of exciting opportunities to open up for them. Sponsorship is giving these students a hand-up. There is a nearly straight path from a good school to a good job and soon these students will be in gainful employment and will be able to help themselves, their families and communities.
The pandemic exacerbated previously existing inequalities, and children who were already most at risk of being excluded from a quality education have been most affected, with so many unable to attend school at all.
Of the 15 students, we currently have 2 primary school kids, 9 secondary school students, and 4 university young adults.
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